
One of things that bothers me is when people and web-sites don’t tell who they are, and with whom they are associated.   I am a conservative.  I enjoy Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin as talk-radio hosts because you can learn from them.  I am a fundamentalist pastor.  I pastor at Victory Baptist Church in North Fort Myers, Florida.  We are an independent church.  We have a great church, and a fantastic church family.  I graduated from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri.  I also graduated from Faith Bible Institute, a three-year program that we have in our church.  Pastor John Yates in Monroe, LA. and a graduate of Liberty University, teaches the  classes.  Tell your pastor about this program.

Jerry Falwell, Sr. introduced me to how important it is for churches and individual Christians to be involved in government.  Of course, there are many other people who encouraged my life, most of whom you would not know, but they are all very conservative.  God created three institutions: the family; the church; and government.  This website will primarily concentrate on government, although we will not leave out the family and the church.   If you would like to know more about what we believe, go to our church web-site   www.victorybaptistnfm.com     I have written two books, “When Good Men Do Nothing  Who Will Speak” and “The Basic Christian – Doctrine 101”.  These books will certainly tell you more about the direction of my thinking and who I am.

I do a lot of reading and studying.  I have learned that I don’t know much, because there is so much out there to learn.  I have also discovered that most conservatives really don’t know much either.  That is the purpose of “The Patriot 1776”.  Perhaps together we can learn about the history of America, it’s founding principles, from where those principles came, and who the people are that are trying to destroy this great America.  If you listen to our first radio programs on this web-site, you will get a head-start in learning.  The purpose of our program is to take America back to the principles of 1776 as our Founding Fathers intended.  We will recommend other web-sites, books, and many sources of information.

This web-site would not exist if it had not been for Kai Fu, a good friend who was born and raised in Wuhan, China. He first heard about the Gospel when he was still in college from a group of University of Iowa student who was on a mission trip to Wuhan. He then went to an underground church in Wuhan and accepted the Lord as savior. Soon after he became a Christian, God gave him an opportunity to come to the US for his pursuit of American dream and freedom. While in America he deepened his faith in God and knowledge in the Bible. He loves America very much and studies about the conservative principles that made this country the best. He and his wife, who is also from China, was part of our great church family while he was working in Fort Myers as a Computer Programmer. Thank you Kai for making this web-site possible.